Conscious Contact with a Higher Power
Lance Woodley, LSW, MSW, Th.M Neuroscientific Insights into the Phenomenon of Religious Experience The 11th Step and the religious experience: In the 11th Step, Mr. Wilson encouraged others to improve their conscious communication with a higher power through prayer...
Finding Peace Through The Steps
Bart Ross, Recovery Services Manager For years I was in the delusion that I was in control. Not necessarily of my alcoholism, but in all areas of my life. I had no idea I was totally asleep. Reading pages 60-63 in the Big Book really started to open my eyes to how...
Is Xanax Addictive? What You Need to Know
Understanding how any drug can alter brain chemistry is the first clue about its potential for addiction. Xanax addiction is no different. As part of the family of benzodiazepines, Xanax can ease anxiety and panic, but it can also present serious risks. Let’s look at...
Fast Facts About Fentanyl
Opioid medications are the most potent painkillers available to doctors. They act on opioid receptors, which are found throughout the body and brain to reduce the intensity of pain signals reaching the brain. There are three broad classes of opioid analgesic drugs:...
The Pitfalls of Dating in Early Recovery
While most people assume a person’s job is the first thing to suffer from an addiction, in reality, drug and alcohol abuse first manifests in dysfunctional relationships. The typical person suffering from an addiction has a pattern of unhealthy relationships. In the...
Gardening: A Sober Activity to De-stress and Center
By Ali Frances, Horticulture Specialist Hanley Center has a beautiful raised bed garden on the east side of the main campus. Connection, calm, teamwork, and accomplishment are some of the benefits patients have experienced from working in the garden. Since it was...
What is Really in Street Heroin?
Heroin bought on the street is almost never pure heroin. The actual heroin content can vary widely, usually between about 50 percent and 80 percent. It is almost always cut or laced with something else. When heroin is “cut” that means whatever is added to it is just...
A Message of Hope
As the holiday cookies and candies overflowing our office spaces dwindle, and the New Year gratitude groups are complete, we move into 2022 with new resolutions and commitments fresh in our minds. With COVID-19 surges and the ongoing consequences of isolation and fear...
OCD and Addiction
For someone diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the potential for developing a substance use disorder as well can be a significant concern. It’s important to understand how these two disorders connect and what may be the outcome. We’ll explain their...
The Importance of Vulnerability in Recovery
A person with a substance use disorder may have spent a lot of time with their defenses up. The desire to protect themselves from criticism and getting hurt is a natural response. Stepping into recovery with that “protective layer” can be a problem, though. Today,...
Why is Cocaine So Addictive?
Any conversation about drug addiction must mention the brain’s ability to build tolerance. This is a key part of how addiction begins and grows. Cocaine use is no different. Connect with us to take the first step in cocaine treatment—561-841-1033. Why are so many...
By Bart Ross | Recovery Services Manager Season’s greetings to all the Hanley family. For me, “family” is not a word used lightly. Many of us had forgotten the importance of how to show appreciation for family. When we suffer from addiction, we become consciously and...
The Holiday Season
Kellye DeBerry, MA | Alumni Care Coordinator At the holidays, I always reflect on how grateful I am for everyone and everything I have in my life, thanks to the recovery program. During my addiction, I dreaded the holiday season. I knew that I would be forced to spend...
Lessons in Gratitude
Joanna Ahern | Alumni Care Coordinator When I first got sober, I hated when people soberer and happier talked about an “attitude of gratitude.” I remember making faces and mocking them from the egotistical, delusional high horse upon which I perched myself. I was...
Rebuilding Family Relationships
Ashley Thompson | Alumni Care Coordinator When I first got sober, I desperately wanted to rebuild my relationships. I made amends to my family members as guided by my sponsor. But I wondered what came next. I had to back up those amends by my actions, which was not an...
Benzodiazepine Addiction: 3 Things to Know
Benzo addiction can result in serious harm. Get the treatment you need to beat your addiction and manage your withdrawal. Call Hanley Center today. How much do you know about the benzos you’re prescribed to take for anxiety or other reasons? Awareness of the risk...
Nutrition and Addiction Recovery: Eating Healthy in Sobriety
Creating a sober life relies on prioritizing health: body, mind, and spirit. One of those choices is what you eat every day as you work to sustain your recovery efforts. You may not know how sobriety and healthy eating are directly connected. So, let’s look at some...
Stigma & Addiction
Dr. John Dyben, DHSc, MCAP, CMHP | Chief Clinical Officer Toward Building a Healthier Environment for those with Substance Use Issues My daughter was around five years old when she asked me what "epidemiology" was. In true Dyben family form, I wrote a song to explain...
What Is Drug Addiction?
Drug addiction is a complex neurobiological disease that requires integrated treatment of the mind, body, and spirit. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain‚ its structure and how it works. Drug addiction can start with experimentation in...
What is Rehab? Types, Treatment Options & Process
Rehab is the start of a lifelong commitment to sobriety and improving the quality of one’s life. It often begins with the “engagement stage.” This may involve the entire family working together to help explore pathways to treatment. Rehab may include either or both...
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West Palm Beach, FL 33407